Meet The Chef.

Ben Allen

Chef: Ben Allen

The Parakeet

1.What made you take on your role at The Parakeet and what do you love most about it?

Growing up amidst the North London pub scene, I’ve always treasured the warmth and camaraderie of these local haunts. The Oxford Tavern, now reborn as The Parakeet, was my Granddad's pub of choice, the quintessential spot for a swift pint and a natter. When I embarked on the journey of crafting a menu for this beloved local establishment, I knew I was stepping into a challenge of Herculean proportions. Creating a seasonal menu that could breathe new life into a classic pub setting felt both daunting and exhilarating. Thankfully, I was surrounded by a dedicated team who shared my vision and passion for creating memorable dining experiences.

2. Who or what has influenced your cooking style the most?

I’m exceedingly fortunate to hail from a family where cooking and eating are as integral to our lives as breathing. Sunday dinners, in particular, are an expression of love and culinary prowess. My mum’s roasts aren't just about the food; they are a celebration of togetherness. From the youngest to the oldest, each family member has a part to play. This has profoundly influenced my relationship with food and my passion for cooking.

3. Your biggest achievement to date is...

Other than having my two beautiful daughters, my biggest achievement would have to be cooking for some truly incredible people. I’m always utterly chuffed at the number of known names who grace The Parakeet’s door and choose to dine with us.

4. Which ingredient can't you live without?

At the moment, I have a real fascination with mushrooms and their vast array of flavours and textures. Not only do I believe they can enhance the flavours of any dish, but I also think they’re exceedingly good for our bodies.

5. When you're not busy cooking and have down time where can we find you drinking and dining?

I am no stranger to the local pub scene: a pint in the Old Queen's Head or a Guinness in The Auld Shillelagh is simply unbeatable. I love to eat out and wish I could do it more often. I recently visited my mate’s place called Half Cut Market down the road from The Parakeet. It was delicious, with some delightfully funky wines.